An ample number of street Beggars are usually witnessed everywhere in India. This is the most deprived section in our society. Child Beggars is the most dismayed part of it. They are being forced to hold a begging bowl at the time when they should be provided with toys. Their morning starts with the beatings from their parents and their day passes with the shouting and pushing from the people. They have been deprived of the basic right to education. They strive for love, care, warmth of which they are deprived.
Therefore, we took an initiative and thought of starting new year with them. We thought of giving them that love and affection that is found void in their hearts. While approaching them what we discovered was their eyes filled with pain. Their eyes were reflecting and describing their hardships. So we provided them with papers and color pencils and told them to write whatever they could. Later we provided them with edibles. They were so exhilarated and jolted in tandem and looked so perplexed when we did such things to them. We were able to accomplish our motive by providing them with a modicum of gaiety that they had never witnessed in their lives. Our eyes were wet and tears tumbled down the face when we touched their innocence. We could feel that our goal was accomplished by approaching the flowers of innocence.
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